We want to give without asking. Donations and sponsorships are welcome, we show this, we don't ask. We work with volunteers, give without asking and focus on the difference we can make!
One of our three most important principles is: Give with what we have. When it comes to fundraising, we've taken a slightly different path than most organizations. We choose not to focus on fundraising, grants or other sources of income. For example, none of our websites contain advertisements. All services are distributed and donated free of charge. So we give with all the support and resources that come in organically. When people really want to give to us of their own accord.
We assume abundance and trust. We have realized that when you give with pure intentions, people's gratitude overflows. We do not care to fulfill a need, but we give as an expression of our own solidarity and joy. These true gifts, no matter how small or large, are what drives us.
Everyone at Helpz is a volunteer who contributes his or her time ​​as a way to serve and practice consciousness in the world. So we have no personnel policy. All contributions go directly towards managing our projects and spreading more kindness in the world.