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Energie sturen door ruimte en tijd!
In de gratis Flits app wordt je uitgenodigd je aandacht te richten op mensen die jouw hulp of energie kunnen gebruiken bijvoorbeeld om te herstellen van een ongeval of ziekte. Je zet daarmee jouw biologische systeem in werking om hen te ondersteunen. Wanneer je intentie is om hen te helpen helen zal jouw systeem als vanzelf in actie komen. Jouw systeem detecteert de nood van de persoon op de foto en dat activeert de hersengebieden die onder meer gebruikt worden bij het zenden van energie met een helende intentie.  Wanneer jij daarnaast ook bewust de intentie hebt om aan onze doelen met helende intentie energie te zenden (zelfs wanneer je niet weet hoe) begint de energie als vanzelf ook richting deze mensen in nood te stromen. Het mooie is dat niet alleen deze mensen daarmee positieve energie ontvangen waardoor zij sneller genezen, maar ook jij ervaart hier positieve effecten van! Lynne Mctaggert beschrijft in haar boek het intentie Experiment talloze voorbeelden waaruit blijkt dat deelnemers in haar intentiegroepen prachtig neveneffect vervaren. Zij noemt dit het "spiegeleffect", dat ook in de Law of Attraction wordt beschreven als "like attracting like". Alle deelnemers die tijdens de experimenten goede bedoelingen stuurden, meldden een positieve verandering in hun eigen persoonlijke leven. Mensen meldden dat ze niet alleen meer harmonie voelden, maar dat er ook positieve verschuivingen, verbetering van fysieke klachten en herstel van verbindingen in persoonlijke relaties plaatsvonden.
Oogbewegingen zijn helpend
Francine Shapiro ontdekte bij toeval tijdens een wandeling dat een nare herinnering plotseling minder naar werd terwijl ze spontaan met haar ogen heen en weer bewoog. Zij vermoedde een verband tussen oogbewegingen en het verwerken van negatieve herinneringen en ontwikkelde de EMD-procedure (de R, van reprocessing, kwam enkele jaren later). Dit inspireerde haar een theoretisch model te beschrijven om het werkingsmechanisme van dit fenomeen te verklaren: het Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model. Zij claimde dat de nare herinnering door de oogbewegingen toegankelijk werd  en de oogbewegingen een natuurlijk verwerkingssysteem activeren, dat leidt tot integratie van ervaringen, vermindering van negatieve emoties en de opbouw van een een andere meer positieve manier van denken. In dit model is EMDR dus een soort katalysator voor het herstel van een natuurlijk aanwezig informatieverwerkingssysteem. Latere onderzoeken sluiten aan op dit oorspronkelijke model, hoewel de therapeutische interventietechniek uitgebreider en meer onderbouwd is met wetenschappelijk onderzoek waarbij men uitgaat van de werkgeheugentheorie. De werking van de Flits app integreert horizontale oogbewegingen en is daarom ook een hulpmiddel om de stemming te verbeteren. Niet alleen wordt je uitgenodigd je aandacht te verleggen, de oogbewegingen stimuleren het informatie verwerkingsysteem zodat je wanneer je bijvoorbeeld met een 'ongelukkig gevoel' begint te Flitsen je stemming kan verbeteren!
Pain relief
How you can be unconsciously influenced
Johan C. Karremans, Wolfgang Stroebe, Jasper Claus
In this article you can read how Karremans has shown that subliminal messages can work. This article reports two experiments assessing whether subliminal priming of a drink brand name can influence human taste. choices for the primed brand, and whether this effect is moderated by individuals' feelings of thirst. Both studies showed that subliminal priming of a brand name of the drink (i.e. Lipton Ice) positively influenced participants' choice of, and intention to drink, the drink. primed brand, but only for participants who were thirsty. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.
Pain relief
Differences Dutch. EMDR protocol and Shapiro protocol.
Hellen Hornsveld, Erik ten Broeke and Ad de Jongh
The article describes that the reduction of negative emotions when using eye movements has been previously demonstrated. Although this article has a different purpose: description of effects of original theoretical model EMD. EMDR and AIP model etc., is mentioned in the article, among other things: that EMD(R) can make the traumatic information stored in the neural network accessible and at the same time activates a natural processing system anchored in the hardware, which leads to integration of experiences, reduction of negative emotions and the construction of an adaptive cognitive framework. In this model, EMDR is a kind of catalyst for the restoration of a naturally occurring information processing system.
Pain relief
Intention affects water
Konstantin Korotkov & Lynne Mctaggert
Lynne Mc Taggert: We have now shown twice that sending an intention to water changes the light signal of that water. When one sends the intention to the water to 'glow' the light signal of that water increases. Compared to untreated control water. This suggests that we have the ability to change the structure of water itself.
Meditation reduces crime by 23.3%
This research clearly shows how our consciousness influences our reality! A meditation project in which 400 people ultimately participated demonstrably reduced crime rates by 23.3%. Many independent parties participated in this investigation, including the FBI.
Pain relief
Man influences device
People influence devices because they can change the normally fixed outcome of the PC. Although this research does not conclusively show how or in what way humans can influence devices, a significant deviation can be seen. There is clear evidence of significant abnormal separation of the means of the overall right- and left-targeted experimental distributions, correlated with the pre-set goals of the human operators.
People influence devices remotely
People can also influence devices remotely, as this research shows. The output distributions of random binary events produced by a variety of microelectronic random and pseudorandom generators, as well as by a macroscopic random mechanical cascade, exhibit small but replicable and statistically significant mean shifts that are correlated with the operators' pre-stated intentions, and contain cumulative performance patterns similar to those of the corresponding local experiments. Effect sizes of individual operators are normally distributed, with the majority of the participants contribute ​​to the total effect. Patterns of specific The count populations are also similar to those found in the corresponding local experiments. The insensitivity of the magnitude and detail of these results to intervention distance and time add credence to a large database of precognitive experiments for remote perception, suggesting that these two forms of anomaly may cause of similar mechanisms of information exchange between human consciousness and random physical processes.
Humans also influence analog devices
R.D. Nelson, G.J. Bradish, R.G. Jahn & BJ Dunne
People can also consciously have effects on analog systems, as this research shows. Although an analog device currently does not demonstrate greater differences than another type of device, the influence is again statistically demonstrable.
Conditions under which the human device is more affected
In this research, situations and hypotheses are examined that increase the influence of devices. The exploratory work suggests other locations where abnormal effects of group consciousness might be expected, and also identifies a number of situations that do not appear to be conducive to such responses.
Human-device analysis research
The influence of humans on machines has also been proven in this research. Once analyzed, it provides strong evidence that the anomalies are statistically robust; they are not the result of random fluctuations, but are demonstrable correlated with definable subjective factors.
A modular model of mind/matter manifestations
While ongoing empirical research is being conducted into deviant mind/matter interactions continue to reaffirm the reality of such phenomena have so far failed to stimulate viable theoretical models, or even to propose effective strategies for more productive experimentation. Contrary to prevailing assumptions, reexamination of several large databases from this laboratory casts doubt on whether such effects are caused by direct attention of the conscious mind directed to the observable physical processes. On the contrary, a An alternative route is indicated in which the unconscious and intangible physical mechanisms are invoked to achieve abnormal acquisition of mental information about, or abnormal mental influence on, otherwise inaccessible information. material processes. Implications for more effective experiments include more subtle feedback schemes that facilitate the submission of conscious intention to unconscious mental processing; physical target systems that provide richness of intangible possibilities; operators receptive to such interactions; and an environmental atmosphere that supports the composite strategy. Theoretical requirements include a better understanding of the information dialogue between conscious and unconscious aspects of the mind; more pragmatic formulations of the relationships between tangible and intangible physical processes; And most importantly, a convincing representation of the fusion of mental and material dimensions that makes them indistinguishable at their deepest levels.
Pain relief
Remote sensing
An article about analyzes of remote perception. also called remote viewing. —This article has four purposes: 1) to present for the first time All results of approximately 25 years of research are archived remotely laboratory; 2) to describe all analytical scoring methods developed during the course of this program to quantify the amount of anomalous information acquired in the experiments; 3) to exhibit a ​​remarkable anticorrelation between the objective specificity of these methods and the abnormal yield of the experiments; and 4) discuss the phenomenological and pragmatic consequences of this complementarity. The formal database includes 653 experimental studies conducted in different research phases. The score methods include several sets of descriptor queries that can be addressed both the physical targets and their description by the observers, the reactions which form the basis for numerical evaluation and statistical assessment of the degree of deviating information obtained. Have twenty-four such recipes Binary, ternary, quaternary and ten-level searches were used distributive formats. Treated in this way, the database produces a composite z-score against a probability of 5.418 ( p 5 3 3 102 8 , one-sided). Numerous additional analyzes agree that these overall results are not significantly affected by any of the secondary protocol parameters tested, or by variations in the effectiveness of the descriptors, possible biases on participants' responses, target distance to the observer, or time interval between observation efforts and visits from agents. However, this does occur during the course of the programme a striking reduction in abnormal returns that appears to be related to this with participants' growing attention to, and dependence on, the increasingly detailed descriptor formats and with the associated reduction in the content of the accompanying free-response transcripts. The possibility that there will be more emphasis on objective quantification of the The phenomenon may have somehow hindered its inherently subjective expression is explored in different contexts ranging from contemporary signal processing technologies to ancient divination traditions. There is an intrinsic complementarity suggested between the analytical and intuitive aspects of remote perception process that, like its more famous counterpart in quantum science, entails it is an inescapable uncertainty that limits the extent to which such deviations occur effects can be produced and evaluated simultaneously.
Waarnemen op afstand
Pain relief
Systemic perspective explored
Salome Scholtens · Hedwig Boer · Lisa Kiltz · Joke Fleer
A systemic perspective is considered useful in dealing with complex organizational challenges, but its practical implementation can be challenging. A potentially effective method that facilitates the practical application of a systemic perspective may be the systemic perspective Constellation method. This method aims to increase individuals' awareness of their social lives context and to make explicit their tacit knowledge regarding this social context. In recent decades, consultants, coaches and other professionals worldwide have adopted this method, acquired through self-study. However, so far this method has only received little attention from the scientific community and scientific evidence about its effectiveness of the method is limited. There is currently almost no data on professionals who practice the Systemic Constellation Method within organizations or about how and when they apply it. This lack of insight hinders its scientific evaluation and quality assurance. We have collected data from 273 professionals who use this method. Our results confirmed the existence of a diverse and growing international community. Respondents reported that the primary The advantage of using this method is its perceived effectiveness. They found that the method can benefit from a stronger scientific basis. Our results shed light on a potential effective and feasible method for applying a systemic perspective within organizations and provide directions for future research.
Research into the effectiveness of family constellations
Salome Scholtens · Hedwig Boer · Lisa Kiltz · Joke Fleer
This study demonstrates effectiveness, although further research with better quality evidence is recommended. Family/systemic constellations therapy is a short-term group intervention that aims to help clients better understand and then change their conflicting experiences within a social system (e.g., the family). The aim of the current systematic review was to synthesize the empirical evidence on the tolerability and effectiveness of this intervention in improving mental health. Quantitative, prospective studies published in English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch or Hungarian up to April 2020 were searched. Of the 4,197 records identified, 67 were assessed for eligibility, with 12 studies meeting inclusion criteria (10 independent samples; a total of 568 participants). The outcome variables were diverse, ranging from positive self-image through psychopathology to the perceived quality of family relationships. Of the twelve studies, nine showed statistically significant improvement after the intervention. The studies that did not demonstrate a significant treatment benefit were of lower methodological quality. The random effect meta-analysis conducted on five studies of general psychopathology indicated a moderate effect (Hedges' g of 0.531, CI: 0.387–0.676). Authors of seven studies also examined potential iatrogenic effects, and four studies reported small or moderate negative effects in a small proportion (5–8%) of participants that could potentially be related to the intervention. The data collected to date point to family constellation therapy being an effective intervention with significant mental health benefits in the general population; However, the quantity and overall quality of evidence are low.
Research into the effectiveness of family constellations
Salome Scholtens*, Carla Petroll, Carlos Rivas, Joke Fleer, Barna Konkoly Thege
This article was published in the Journal Gruppe. Interaction. Organization.- presents a systematic review of the current empirical evidence of the effectiveness of the systemic constellations method when applied in organizations. Although the systemic constellations method is increasingly used for team coaching, organizational development and transformation processes, scientific evidence about the effectiveness and quality of this method is still scarce. This may hinder the broader implementation of a potentially useful approach. A total of ten electronic databases were searched through January 2020. Multiple languages, qualitative and quantitative designs, and academic and gray literature are included. The search resulted in the identification of 79 potentially relevant publications, of which seven were prospective and 13 were retrospective effectiveness studies in terms of organizational outcomes. Only two of the seven prospective studies used a controlled design. This review concludes that the empirical evidence on the systemic organizational constellation method points toward a potentially effective intervention in the organizational context. However, it is still too early to draw firm conclusions as the number of studies was small and the quality of the studies was generally low. The current systematic review summarizes the literature on the systemic constellations method applied in organizations. It offers coaches and advisors insight into the method from a scientific perspective and describes possible mechanisms of action with regard to the intervention. The results of the review provide a solid foundation for future research and provide directions for new research to support quality improvement and help us better understand the factors that influence effectiveness.